Issue 2 – Editor’s Welcome

First of all, thanks to all of you who got behind the first Kulture Kid Digest issue – we appreciate it and we hope you stick with us because we’ve got some exciting things lined up for our future issues.

This month’s issue is Colour & Culture, and is all about GLAM practitioners (people) of colour (POC), audiences of colour and how we navigate some of the issues we are facing as a sector in Australia.

When we first put the call out for contributors and let people know about our theme, there was a great positive response. But when it came to actually getting POC to contribute, we found it increasingly difficult particularly in the Canberra region – the hub of Australia’s national collecting institutions – to identify POC and of those identified, practitioners that then felt comfortable and ready to contribute to such an open and at times ‘controversial’ issue.

There are many studies out there that look at the reasons why the GLAM sector is having to run to catch up (or even considering trying to catch up) in regards to diversity in its workforce and to also develop and maintain meaningful outreach to diverse audiences (we’re also very excited to have one of those authors contributing this month – thanks Karen!). But if timing is everything, the past few weeks not just in Australia, but globally, have been a tense, anxious and fearful climate for many POC and marginalised groups. The recent challenge to Australia’s racial discrimination act meant that basic rights and personal safety of POC in any workplace, in daily life could potentially have declined. Imagine what this could have been like for workplaces where many POC still experience discrimination, micro-aggressions and challenges and often aren’t able to or don’t feel supported to speak up and against these things.

News cycles like we have had throughout the past month roll terrifying story after story and sometimes for our own sanity we need to disengage. But sometimes these stories have potential real-life consequences – those consequences could impact your neighbour, sister, brother, parents, friend, spouse, children and the co-worker you sit next to. It can be isolating – isolating for those worried to speak out about their personal fears, isolating for those who might want to show their support but aren’t sure what real, tangible ways they can do so.

Let’s stop the isolation and have some real discussions. This week, in support of issue 2: Colour & Culture, we’re keeping our Facebook page open for anyone who would like to post a question or start a respectful dialogue, with quick responses from the Kulture Kid team. If you’d like to ask the Kulture Kid team a question outside the public sphere, feel free to Facebook or Instagram DM or email at


We’d love to hear what you think of the Kulture Kid Digest so far! Send us your feedback via our Facebook page or at our email:


The next issue of the Kulture Kid digest is The F Word, looking at fun and creativity in the GLAM world – from the artist perspective to getting creative within the confines of your workplace.


If you would like to contribute to any of our upcoming issues please get in touch with your ideas – we would love to hear from you!


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